
altars of thankfulness.

So, sometimes I think I just need to remind myself actually how good God has been to me.

There is such a temptation to lose perspective and become so bound by only what I can humanly do, without actually seeing the bigger picture of what God has already done and the promise of what he will do.
I am reminded of a sermon I once heard. Whenever Abraham moved anywhere, he built an altar and praised God for everything that he had done for him. Not only this but he revisited them, and remembered all the amazing things and how good God had been over his life.
I need to start, metaphorically, building altars of thankfulness and NEVER lose sight of what he's doing right now and praising him for how he brought me to this point in the first place.

God is, and will continue to be, so good to me.
I just need to keep remembering that so I don't lose sight of the big picture.
Altars of thankfulness will be appearing all over Gillingham.

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